SDK 签名(苹果官网描述如下)
现在有了 SDK 签名,当您在应用程序中采用第三方 SDK 的新版本时,Xcode 将验证它是否由同一个开发人员签名,从而提高软件供应链的完整性。
ITMS-91065: Missing signature - Your app includes “Frameworks/OpenSSL.framework/OpenSSL”, which includes BoringSSL / openssl_grpc, an SDK that was identified in the documentation as a privacy-impacting third-party SDK. If a new app includes a privacy-impacting SDK, or an app update adds a new privacy-impacting SDK, the SDK must include a signature file. Please contact the provider of the SDK that includes this file to get an updated SDK version with a signature.
对指定二进制文件手动签名即可,以 OpenSSL.xcframework 为例,可参考issues 92。
# 查看签名,无签名显示 code object is not signed at all
codesign -dv --verbose=4 OpenSSL.xcframework
# 钥匙串复制证书名称,执行此命令即可签名。
xcrun codesign --timestamp -s "证书全称" OpenSSL.xcframework
# 验证签名
xcrun codesign --verify --verbose OpenSSL.xcframework
# 发布证书以"Apple Distribution"开头,执行此命令即可签名。
xcrun codesign --timestamp -s "Apple Distribution" OpenSSL.xcframework
# 发布证书以"iPhone Distribution"开头,执行此命令即可签名。
xcrun codesign --timestamp -s "iPhone Distribution" OpenSSL.xcframework
# 已经签名的framework,可以使用-f参数强制重新签名
xcrun codesign --timestamp -f -s "证书全称" OpenSSL.xcframework