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Try Demo

Run the following command in the terminal:

git clone

cd GMObjC

pod install

open GMObjC.xcworkspace

Environment requirements

Depends on OpenSSL 1.1.1l or above, packaged as xcframework static library, and uploaded to cocoapods.

  • iOS 9.0 and above
  • GMOpenSSL(OpenSSL.xcframework)
  • Security.framework (optional)

Integration method

The following are the methods to use GMObjC in your project:

  • Use CocoaPods
  • Use Carthage
  • Use Swift Package Manager
  • Manually compile to Framework/XCFramework
  • Drag in the project source code and use directly


CocoaPods is the simplest and most convenient integration method. Edit the Podfile file and add:

pod 'GMObjC'

Then execute pod install, and the project will automatically integrate the GMObjC and GMOpenSSL open source libraries.


  1. GMObjC depends on OpenSSL 1.1.1l or above. CocoaPods does not support different versions of the same static library.
  2. If there is a conflict with OpenSSL in a third-party library, such as Baidu MapKit, which depends on a lower version of OpenSSL static library, dependency conflicts will occur.
  3. If you encounter an OpenSSL conflict, refer to Conflict Solution and compile GMObjC into a dynamic library to resolve it.


Carthage can automatically compile third-party frameworks into dynamic libraries. If they are not installed, run brew update and brew install carthage to install them. Then create a file named Cartfile (similar to Podfile), edit and add the name of the third-party library you want to compile, such as github "muzipiao/GMObjC", and then run carthage update --use-xcframeworks.

# Install carthage
brew update && brew install carthage
# Create Cartfile and write github "muzipiao/GMObjC"
touch Cartfile && echo 'github "muzipiao/GMObjC"' >> Cartfile
# Pull and compile to a dynamic library. GMObjC.xcframework can be found in Carthage/Build/ in the current command execution directory
carthage update --use-xcframeworks

After successful compilation, open Carthage to view the generated file directory. Carthage/Build/GMObjC.xcframework is the successfully compiled dynamic library. Drag the dynamic library into the project.


  1. GMObjC.xcframework is a dynamic library. You need to select the Embed & Sign mode, and you do not need to import the OpenSSL.xcframework library separately.
  2. If Carthage compilation fails, download the project source code, execute cd GMObjC-master to switch to the source code directory, and then execute carthage build --no-skip-current --use-xcframeworks to compile manually.

Swift Package Manager

GMObjC supports SPM since 3.3.0. To use it in a project, click File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency, URL, or add a GitHub account in Xcode and search for GMObjC.

If used in a component library, update the Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "4.0.0")

Manually compile to Framework

You can download the source code from GitHub, open the project GMObjC.xcodeproj and manually compile it to a dynamic library GMObjC.framework.

Compile to dynamic library by default. If you need to compile to static library, set Build Settings - Linking-General - Mach-O Type to Static Library.

Can be merged into XCFramework

Use the xcodebuild -create-xcframework command to merge into XCFramework, and demonstrate by merging the simulator and real machine versions of the GMObjC library.

# Create a merged package GMObjC.xcframework
xcodebuild -create-xcframework -framework Release-iphoneos/GMObjC.framework -framework Release-iphonesimulator/GMObjC.framework -output GMObjC.xcframework
# Or wrap to display more clearly
xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
           -framework Release-iphoneos/GMObjC.framework \
           -framework Release-iphonesimulator/GMObjC.framework \
           -output GMObjC.xcframework

Direct integration

  1. Download the latest code from Git, find the GMObjC folder at the same level as README, and drag the GMObjC folder into the project;
  2. Find the Frameworks folder at the same level as README, and drag the project Frameworks/OpenSSL.xcframework Drag it into the project;
  3. Import the header file GMObjC.h where you need to use it to use SM2, SM4 encryption and decryption, signature verification, calculation of SM3 summary, etc.


  1. GMObjC depends on OpenSSL, you can directly drag it into Frameworks/OpenSSL.xcframework or install OpenSSL through pod GMOpenSSL.
  2. If OpenSSL 1.1.1l or above is integrated in the project, you can share the same OpenSSL; otherwise, you need to use Carthage to compile GMObjC into a dynamic library.

Released under the MIT License